Liquidating Investments

Investment liquidation is the process of making withdrawals from investments. It can be initiated for all product types at any time via the /investment/:id/liquidate endpoint.

There are two ways an investment can be liquidated

  • By units (for regular investments)
  • By amount (for indexes)

Every investment you create has a liquidation_method attribute which indicates the method for its liquidation. This means that when calling the /investment/:id/liquidate endpoint, you will have to pass the liquidation method and its value as a body parameter. Please refer to the API reference for snippets.

Once liquidation is processed, a user’s wallet will be credited with the value

The table below shows product types and their respective withdrawal structure.

Product Type Liquidation Structure
Savings Can be done on or before specified maturity date. If initiated before maturity date, a fee will apply. Upon maturity of the savings, a user’s wallet will be credited with the total value as at then.
Treasury Bills Can be done at any time. If a liquidation request is made before maturity, it will be done by specifying the number of units to be sold. This will be processed at the prevailing price as at time of sale and credited to the user’s wallet. If at maturity, the user's wallet will automatically be credited with both their capital and returns. They don’t have to do anything.
Mutual Funds Can be done at any time by specifying the number of units to sell. The request will be processed within 24-48 working hours based on the prevailing unit price. Once processed, the value will be credited to the user’s wallet.
Stocks Can be done at any time by specifying number of shares to sell. The liquidation request will be processed within 24-48 working hours and credited to the user’s wallet.
Indexes Can be done at any time by stating the amount to liquidate. This will be deducted based on the set strategy of the index. The request will be processed within 24-48 working hours and credited to the user’s wallet.

Details on how the respective requests are made can be found on the API reference.