
How it works

A webhook notifies you about a change in the state of an account or an investment product. These notifications are delivered to your predefined webhook URL when these changes occur. You can choose to use these notifications to carry out additional tasks within your own application. Webhook notifications are appropriate for API requests that are not immediately fulfilled

The first step in consuming a webhook is giving us a URL to deliver events to. You can submit your webhook URL on the API Config section of your accounts page. If you don’t have one, check this for how to set up one.

Once you set a webhook URL on your dashboard, we send a test webhook event to the URL  to confirm that it is set up.  Below is what the test event looks like

  "event": {
    "event": "test"

Whenever certain actions occur on your integration, we trigger webhook events which your application can listen to and then carry out the applicable steps based on the response.

For example, if you implement our webhooks, once an account is successfully created on the application, we will immediately notify your server with an account.created event.

Here is a list of events we can send to your webhook URL.

Types of events

We have curated a list of events we can send to your webhook URL below.

Event Description
account.created A user’s account was successfully created
savings.created A user’s savings asset was successfully created
savings.updated A user’s savings asset was successfully updated
wallet.created A user’s wallet asset was successfully created
wallet.credited A user’s wallet asset was successfully funded
wallet.updated A user’s wallet asset was successfully updated
investment.created A user successfully made an investment transaction into an investment asset
investment.updated A user successfully added more funds to an investment asset
index.created A user’s custom index was successfully created
index.updated A user’s custom index was successfully updated
transfer.created A user initiates a fund transfer from one asset to another
transfer.successful A user's attempt to transfer fund from one asset to another succeeds
transfer.failed A user’s attempt to transfer funds out of one asset to another failed. For example, a transfer from a savings asset to a wallet asset or a wallet asset to any other asset type failed
settlement.created A user initiates a fund transfer from wallet to bank
settlement.successful A user's attempt to transfer fund from wallet to bank succeeds
settlement.failed A user’s attempt to transfer funds from wallet to bank failed.
liquidation.created A user initiates a sale of units or amounts of an investment
liquidation.successful A user's attempt to sell units or amounts of an investment succeeds.
identification.successful A user's identity is verified
identification.failed A user's identity verification failed

Receiving Events

To receive our events you have to create a POST route on your application without authentication. The event object is sent in JSON as part of the request body.

from flask import Flask, request, Response
app = Flask(__name__)
@app.route('/my/webhook/url', methods=['POST'])
def respond():
# Do something with event
return Response(status=200)
Using Python
app.post("/my/webhook/url", function(req, response) {
  // Retrieve the request's body
  var event = req.body;
  // Do something with event
Using Express

Verifying Events

When a webhook subscription is created, a signature is generated and provided in the response. This signature is used to sign webhook payloads sent as part of this subscription. The signature is then delivered along with each payload under the request body

The signature is essentially an HMAC SHA256 signature of your ClientID signed using your secret key.

from flask import Flask, request, Response
import hashlib, hmac
client_secret = config("CLIENT_SECRET")
client_id = config("CLIENT_ID")
app = Flask(__name__)
@app.route('/my/webhook/url', methods=['POST'])
def respond():
  # retrieve event body
  response = request.json()
  signature = response.events.get('signature')
  # validate event
  hash = hmac.new(client_secret, client_id, hashlib.sha256).hexdigest().upper()
  if hash == signature:
  # Do something with event
  return Response(status=200)
Using Python
var crypto = require('crypto');
var clientSecret = process.env.CLIENT_SECRET;
var clientId = process.env.CLIENT_ID;
app.post('/my/webhook/url', function (req, res) {
  // Retrieve the request's body
  var body = req.body;
  var signature = body.events.signature;
  //validate event
  var hash = crypto.createHmac('sha256', client_Secret).update(clientId).digest('hex').toUpperCase();
  if (hash == signature) {
  // Do something with event  
Using Express

Sample Webhook Responses