This shows records of adding money to an investment account's wallet. Deposits can be made into wallets at any time. There are two ways this can be initialized:
- User Initiated: This is when you allow a user directly make a transfer into their wallet using the virtual account number assigned to them. Once there’s a successful transfer into the virtual account number, the user’s wallet will be automatically credited and the record will be stored.
- Developer Initiated: This is when you, the developer makes the transfer into a user’s wallet from your own wallet. A sample scenario that this might apply to is when you already have an existing wallet for users and don’t want to display an extra one to them. You receive funds from users like you normally do, then you have it re-routed to us in the backend. The user is not necessarily aware of this extra layer.
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All monetary values are represented in their lowest denomination. For example, values in USD are in cents and values in NGN are in kobo. Please ensure that all requests also use these lowest denominations.
Below is a sample Deposits object.
"account_name":"Chinonso Boss",
"account_name":"Demo User",
"message":"Request successful",