
Withdrawals are records of transactions done from a user’s wallet to an external source outside of the Embed API (e.g. bank account).

Heads Up
All monetary values are represented in their lowest denomination. For example, values in USD are in cents and values in NGN are in kobo. Please ensure that all requests also use these lowest denominations.

Below is a sample Withdrawals object

"pagination": {
        "next": null,
        "previous": null,
        "count": 3
    "data": [
            "status": "Pending",
            "amount": {
                "value": "10000.00000",
                "currency_code": "NGN"
            "source": {
                "id": "f8f740c7-30eb-4d62-8f46-be059614a3bb",
                "name": "NGN-Wallet",
                "account_id": "04fc88aca5394e14be16551a6111a048",
                "account_name": "ManAbdulrah Solanke",
                "account_email": "nkerahsolaman@gmail.com",
                "product_code": "PRCDE1117845064",
                "asset_type": "wallet"
            "destination": {
                "asset_type": "Bank",
                "bank": "GTBank",
                "account_number": "1914955047",
                "account_name": "DULRAHMAN SONLAKE ABKAYODE"
            "transaction_date": "2021-07-12T09:49:06.503107+00:00"
            "status": "Pending",
            "amount": {
                "value": "10000.00000",
                "currency_code": "NGN"
            "source": {
                "id": "f8f740c7-30eb-4d62-8f46-be059614a3bb",
                "name": "NGN-Wallet",
                "account_id": "04fc88aca5394e14be16551a6111a048",
                "account_name": "Abdulrahman Solanke",
                "account_email": "snkerahmolaan@gmail.com",
                "product_code": "PRCDE1117845064",
                "asset_type": "wallet"
            "destination": {
                "asset_type": "Bank",
                "bank": "GTBank",
                "account_number": "0149514957",
                "account_name": "SOLKEK LRAABDUAN AANYODE"
            "transaction_date": "2021-07-11T06:39:16.938984+00:00"
            "status": "Pending",
            "amount": {
                "value": "10000.00000",
                "currency_code": "NGN"
            "source": {
                "id": "f8f740c7-30eb-4d62-8f46-be059614a3bb",
                "name": "NGN-Wallet",
                "account_id": "04fc88aca5394e14be16551a6111a048",
                "account_name": "Abdulrahman Solanke",
                "account_email": "solhmaankeran@gmail.com",
                "product_code": "PRCDE1117845064",
                "asset_type": "wallet"
            "destination": {
                "asset_type": "Bank",
                "bank": "GTBank",
                "account_number": "5410149957",
                "account_name": "SOLAAHMAN NKEABDULR KAYODE"
            "transaction_date": "2021-07-11T06:37:55.496809+00:00"
    "errors": null,
    "message": "Request successful",
    "status": "success"